Printatech Systems provides ruggedised hubs and switches for military style applications, along with custom electronic systems design & website authoring.<BR> <TABLE border=1> <TR><TD>URL</TD><TD>Title</TD><TD>Description</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="fhub.htm">fhub.htm</A></TD><TD>FieldHUB - an 8 port, 10BaseT ruggedised HUB with optional 10Base2 port.</TD><TD>The 8 port ethernet FieldHUB has been made to endure harsh environments - suitable for military style applications.</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="fswitch.htm">fswitch.htm</A></TD><TD>FieldSWITCH - an 8 port, 10/100BaseT ruggedised Switch with optional 10Base2 / fibre port.</TD><TD>The 8 port ethernet FieldSWITCH has been made to endure harsh environments - suitable for military style applications.</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="custom_builds.htm">custom_builds.htm</A></TD><TD>Custom design of networking or microprocessor based products.</TD><TD>Do you have a need for a custom designed hub, switch or microprocessor based system? Contact Printatech Systems and discuss your needs.</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="electronic_design.htm">electronic_design.htm</A></TD><TD>Electronic design - microprocessor & digital systems design services</TD><TD>Electronic circuit & systems design services available from Printatech Systems. Do you have an electronic product concept that needs to be developed? Ask us how we can help.</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="website_design.htm">website_design.htm</A></TD><TD>Website design - simple but effective websites and e-commerce</TD><TD>Are you after a simple but effective website? Printatech Systems can assist in launching your web presence & optimise it for relevant search engine referals.</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="links.htm">links.htm</A></TD><TD>Printatech Systems P/L : Links</TD><TD>Links to useful and interesting websites</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="inform.htm">inform.htm</A></TD><TD>Printatech Systems P/L : Company Information</TD><TD>Printatech Systems main focus is to design quality networking products that will be functional, reliable and stand the test of time.</TD></TR> <TR><TD><A href="emailus.htm">emailus.htm</A></TD><TD>Printatech Systems P/L : Contact details</TD><TD>Printatech Systems online contact form. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us via this only form.</TD></TR> </TABLE>